Joined an unwelcome but not unexpected club this week

But if you're you not a true diabetic, why not see if you can control it without pills. That's my attitude. The less medicine the better. No side-effects. Hold off as long as you can. On the other hand, if you enjoy eating and drinking anything you want, forget about it.

Generally, old men need very little carbs and salt. You can't burn carbs well anymore and much get stored as fat for hard times. You make less insulin and can't employ what you make. Reduce the carbs = reduce the load on a worn old system. If you nearly eliminate all carbs, the body will usually make some changes and deal with the new diet. Native Alaskans do fine on fat and protein. If the body responds, you can slowly introduce some high fiber complex carbs like nuts, seeds and vegs and see how you do. Just my .02