Recommended starting point for jetting on Thermoquad

Brook, my strong response is to your lack of response as you come off as a total ******* idiot or someone looking to figure out how to press someone’s buttons while acting stupid as hell.

I post a simple question and you can’t even respond with a simple answer but yet question the question. Then you make an asshole statement starting with “Are you saying….”

No muthafucker! If I got something on my mind I just say it.
If I have an opinion, I just say it. Here’s an example;

“Your a dick.”

Do not take this reply as if I’m pissed off.

I like to help people out but your not a willing person interested in actually helping yourself. I think that after I post up a picture of the TQ, I’ll stop replying to your posts. You just seem to be more interested in nonsense.