
I see the old car market now as is 99%of the time. The economy is scaring the low end guys, but they are always the buyer of the cheap ish project ( any heap worthwhile projects???). If they see a crr they want and willing to pay for, it sells. If they an buy it for their price. The RNM deal is usually a a car priced above the current market! I see lots of over priced cars as the norm.
The middle guys are guying but the economy is slowing them down and they are thinking about it all! Everyone love a bargain, especially Mopar guys.
The top guys always have $$$$$ and they spend it on what and where they like. Many of these guys are less hobbiest and more investor oriented.
A bud said other day that is always into whats what parts/car wise...he said cars are slow to sell right now.