
I am so old I was in the Mopar hobby before the first fall of '91-2 like the other old timers here. Then the second fall came after the disaster of 08 or so.
The OP asked about prices and I understand the hobbiest is just that and will always say " we care not what prices can be sold for" unless they are selling or buying!!!!
^^ Take what jacko241 just said above about his truck selling. That is a direct result as the economy starting to cool, stagflation, some recession starting to rear its head, consumer outlook, Fed, just starting to raise rates to try to curb inflation ( a full year LATE) still bad suppy/distribution issues, the energy fiasco, and NO viable leadership in D.C. Not a political statement, just an economic statement. But yes, There is still a shortage of good used vehicles. cars/trucks. Demand is still there, but other factors affecting the market of everyday vehicles?
What makes the old car hobby difficult is always lack of good sales data, as to be able to get a handle on what cars are actually selling for. BJ and other sales in not usually what the average hobbiest needs for data!!! Look at what is listed for ale here and FBBO and see how many are marked sold and what was the ask price which tells you nothing. People hate to tell what they got for their car> Why I don't know, except they will always say, "no ones business"> True!
Problem is today, non of the leading economists agree on exactly where, when, and how it will all wind up at. Most agree we are headed for a recession or almost in one now, interest will go up for sure, inflation will not go away soon, supply side will be a mess for another year or so....and to top it all off, baby formula is going the way of toilet paper in the pandemic!!!

My story. At 74 I would like to get down to 2 cars that are pretty much done. I am wore out and it s darn hard to do the hard, heavy stuff. My example is this. I have 5 cars. One of which is 64 Savoy all body/paintwork done. Interior most done, as in a SS type build. I advertise it everywhere like here, FBBO, all the FB groups and FB Marketplace. At $10,000 with a good title, NO ONE ever says its overpriced. I have had 2 guys come close to giving $9000 but they never came thru. Texas guys like me. They were across in W.Tx 400 miles away and trying to buy it off pics and description. NO ONE wants to drive to get the car, even across Tx. much less from 1000 mi away! Especially today with $5-5.50 diesel/
But Tx. is NOT a hot bed of Mopardom. IF I was in the N.E. or Ca. I bet it would have sold. Been for sale for a few months. So I keep on working on it and spending $$, one day it will be finished at which time it should bring $20-25,000 with a good big block. Or I will just keep it and maybe selloff one or 2 of the other cars!!! Or maybe NOT!!! Maybe the market will have tanked and NO ONE is buying anything!!!!!!
Who knows!!!!! :poke: