Master Cylinder Internal Arrangement Question

This is a RSD-DBMC10 I got from Summit. I bench bled it months ago with DOT 3, All other brake components are new and have never seen brake fluid. Now I have made the decision to go with DOT 5 and am cleaning it out. I coaxed the rear piston out with some air, careful not to eject it across the shop so I'd have orientation, laying in the bottom was the spring and a retainer apart from each other sort of stuck in what I assume is assembly "grease" which is clear/opaque (is it possible this is congealed DOT 3?, never seen anything like it) at the bottom of the bore. I have both pistons oriented correctly in the pic,at least that is how they came out, however the last (first in) spring and retainer are a guess. This retainer does not fit into the end of the spring, it's a little big for the spring opening. Need a little help here with the spring and retainer orientation fellas, could not find Right Stuff Detailing anywhere on-line.

Thanks in advance!


master cylinder spring pic.jpg