City wide outage

Thanks guys, yeah we are good, altho no power. More an inconvenience than anything. I cant believe how quick it was, probably 10-20 minutes? I tell ya, I was pooping in my work recliner as it ripped thru lol. The winds literally went from 15-20 mph up to I bet over 100 in a matter of a minute or 2. We are lucky where we are that we dont get the devastating weather that coastal areas or tornado alley in US.
We are thankful for that. AND that Lori is on her way with our grandson to pickup an inverter/genset.
In my opinion I'll take overhead vs underground. The amount of **** people bury(outta sight outta mind) is ridiculous.
Heres pics of our CAT genset at the plant.
Yeah I totally get that. And if you only have outages or storm events that pull down lines and brake poles every 10 years it may not be worth it. But the price of crews working 24 hours in hazardous condition sawing trees and limbs out of down the power lines Mass it outages etc etc it's a pay me now or pay me later deal, and to never have to worry about that again driving over a down power line or having one in your front yard to me makes it totally worth it.

