Let's Talk About Alkeehawl

When I was 15, my 2 buddy's and I all went to the drive in. Before we went, we swiped a case of Little Kings from one of my buddy's grandma's pony keg.
So there we were, middle of the summer and a case of hot Little Kings. I cracked one one open and that was the most putrid thing I ever had in my life!
My other two friends got hammered on those nasty *** things and I ended up having to drive us back home. I was underage, they were drunk and I was scared out of my mind.
The next day I had to explain to my mother why there were little kings bottles in my friends car that was parked in our driveway and my friend wasn't anywhere to be found.
Oh, yeah, that was a fun day!
Best thing I ever did for myself because I've never had another drop to drink since.