NHL Playoffs 2022

I am seriously ready for some more hockey, although full disclosure I sure do miss “Grapes” on Memorial Day. He was the best, so many years listening to him and his only slightly (Hah) biased hockey views on Hockey Night. Love him or hate him (seems to be no in between) he was passionate about his support of Veterans. Like so many of us that stood side by side in bad places he did not see the border when it came to veterans. Canada or USA he was thankful for both. I will never forget the infamous radio interview!
I was at one of his minor league games in Toronto many many years ago and watched him try and sit down and watch the game for two hours, kid after kid went up to him for autographs and he signed and spoke to every kid. Never did get to sit down. Well I have now become a Oilers fan! Arghh, Saying go Oilers don’t even sound right…………Go Oilers? In my best WTF voice.
Time to lace up and drop the puck!