Mission Creep on a D-150

After returning from my buddy's place doing the run-in on the new motor, I started to put the headers on. Sadly, the way one of the bolts was clocked on the rear collector, it was touching the downpipe for the front collector, starting to wear a hole. Installing the intake and both halves of the headers is a two person job so my sweetie came over to help get them lined up. So far, so good. Then I saw to interference fit on the downpipes and had to stop everything to put in a round-head allen bolt and grind a touch off the rear collector's mounting ring. It doesn't look like it here, but I now have about 1/16" clearance. Good to go. A friend stopped by to help hold the entire mess together so I could bolt it up. We'll file this one under "one step forwards two steps back". Another two evenings of fiddling with this thing, but the headers and downpipes are done.


This morning started out with lots of worry. I thought I was going to have to call the Sheriff to report a theft.

My engine is missing.


My transmission is missing. Both stands are empty and I'm stumped.


This stuff just doesn't wander off, where did they go? I've heard that sometimes you have to look in unlikely places when trying to locate lost articles. Okey-Doke, let's give that a try. The LEAST likely place I could find these things is.................back in the truck.


Well, how about that! Whodathunk to look in the engine bay to find the engine??

Yesterday was a good day for a change. I swapped some labor with a friend. He came over to help slide this back in the truck, and it went pretty slick. In two hours or so it was back in, trans hooked up. and ready for all the final install stuff. I'll be starting that today. With a little luck this may be back on the streets shortly.