My wife HATES my car.

Steve you have it down my friend. That is what is all about. My family always came first over some stupid car and still do. Would sell off all of my crap in a heartbeat to help my children. Probably won't have to though. I raised them to work hard and sent them to college. They all have great jobs making good money. In the over all big picture they are just cars. When raising my kids I drove a beater 64 El Camino that I had no money in. Drove it for years on seven cylinders with a bad cam cause would rather spend the money on my family.
Later in life with the kids all grown up and out on their own and myself single, again, I was able to finally afford muscle cars again.
I don't who you voted for, your right or left, your a man I can respect
Isn't it a great feeling when the kids become adults and have good jobs, do good in life.
Its like the fruits of your labor
My youngest is a free spirit type, does his own thing. Actually the smartest of the three but the least financially successful
He's now 42 and just recently I got the shock of the year.....He got a part time job in addition to his full time job
Seems he wants to buy a condo. About time id say