67 twin turbo dart

Well oil pan came off and got it all cleaned up, pulled a rod just to make sure the gas in the oil didn't screw them up, just to be sure, were good, didn't bother checking the mains since the rods were good. Applied silicone to front and rear on pan and rails, installed and tightened. Installed the heads after clean up as well, waiting for some snap rings found a few broken on the rockers when I took them off. Cleaned up the intake of all the jet black film. Cleaned and resealed all oil plugs, kept the magnum cam plug(wasn't leaking anyways) just added some silicone to the outer edge just for extra insurance. So tomorrow I'll rewire the coils and injectors. Drop the engine in and waiting for new intake gaskets to come in from superformance, mine tore. So once that's comes in get that all installed and connect everything back up. Triple checked firing order again just to make sure. Even got my wife to help install the heads since I didn't remove the rocker arms since they are finicky on tightening since the geometry correction shims.

