Cat Piss.

Heres a MUCH cuter version 2 of our grandkids spotted in our back yard several times today.
I knew a dog that liked to eat the brains of gophers. That said... some cats also like to eat the brains of rabbits.
Was it shot or did a coyote get it definitely munched its skull!
Couple weeks ago coyotes got this poor little guy. I dont know why he was out or who he belonged to.. but they're stupid for letting him out and not going after/looking for him. They bite the spine.. then the rest is history. I very much dislike coyotes that live/kill in the city. County should be trapping and relocating or shooting the firs. One attacked a child on the beach in HB. After finding this.. I had to go watch some vids of farmers shooting them in droves to feel better.

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