Who's running an AGM battery in a weekend driver?

Probably better to compare a heavier "premium" wet lead acid to the AGM you're looking at.
I wouldnt call my usage weekend, but nor is it daily. It varies between daily and one a every month dpending on what I'm doing.
Had very good luck over the years with premium batteries whether it was Sears diehard (30 years ago) or Interstate's "MT".
Although I didn't buy a Decca because they didn't have a convnenient to me retailer, they too have a "permium" line that weighs more for the same size battery.
Currently I have a Optima red top in both vehicles - mostly because it makes it easy to swap 'em if needed - but also because of how I sometimes use these vehicles (autocross - offroad).
One downside of AGM is they can be a little picky about the recharge and in particular can not disipate heat quickly when recharged at a high rate.
Yes! My Mopar batt will loose it's charge over the winter. A couple year ago I thought I ruined it but I put the 2 A. trickle on it for a couple weeks and it came back and works fine now.