Interview with 100 year-old B-17 Pilot

Those guys that I have met are great, they are usually very calm. They don't get rattled, they have been there. I had the privilege of flying Aluminum Overcast for about 10 minutes, straight and level with one 180° turn. I banked into it pretty good, left aileron and right top rudder. I lost 100 ft, the pilot seemed impressed. Wonderfully noisy truck she was. God bless them and the pilots and crew that flew them as a team.
Lucky was a Bad ***...I like him!!
I have just finished reading a book called 'Big Week'. Feb 1944, where the US & British bomber forces combined to bomb for a week to give no respite to the Germans. Air crew losses in the European war were horrendous, with pretty poor odds of surviving a 'tour'. People so brave.
Just finished reading DAMN LUCKY by Kevin Maurer about John Luckadoo and his 25 missions with the 100th Bomb Group. A really good read and he is still among us.
It’s unfortunate that the youth of today doesn’t understand what patriotism means and it’s importance