Stop in for a cup of coffee

So go to the post office yesterday to get stamps, picked up a roll, hey they are going up .05 next month if you use them time to buy, any how Harley always goes in or I am not allowed in, the girls spoil the crap out of her. She does her usual and front paws on the counter and one bark. Man they gave her two hot dogs! Freaking dog is spoiled. So then to a guys house to pick up a tack I saw on marketplace. Nice guy turns into a hour of bsing. Also picked up a nice nors amp guage. OK been there half a hour ask him if I can let Harley out. Sure we just lost our dog last month. Holy crap did he and his wife spoil her. She is playing with the old toys, eating all the snacks and just having a great time. I guess she is spoiled?

Oh yeah the UPS guy comes and she of course gets more treats and goes with him for a ride to the neighbors house and back, I want to be a dog!