Stop in for a cup of coffee

Here is pix of the bar area, the green wall is the bathroom. I will have a nice long bar and a pool table. I am trying to get over to see MeMike this trip but not sure it is gonna work out. Lots to do here yet. I added a pix of our kitchen at present!

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Reaching over head for over 30 seconds i catch on fire down both side from my shoulders to my hips, can't do that anymore, I did electrical work for almost 5 years, maintenance another 15, and hung and finished sheet rock back in 85 to 87. I am 64, but I can't do that chit no more..for a living anyway.
I will be here all year bud, get your well needed rest so you can get more work done. We can do it another time, hell, I would like to drive up to your place soon

:rofl::rofl::rofl:.. omg.. you got me this morning