Dog attacks

As I understand it, when I spent time hunting in Montana the locals all warned me of the wolves. They said, don't worry about the grizzlies. And no one ever sees cats as they really don't want anything to do with humans. They told me that if I see a wolf and it is close enough, shoot it. The packs of wolves will eat me. Single wolves will typically bring other wolves back.
Now the liberals in Colorado have decided that it is a good idea to bring the wolf back in the state. I'm all for conservation but wolves are not what we need to bring back to this state. We are already having problems with them. I read a clip about some 300 sheep that have been slaughtered by wolves in Colorado already.
If you see them, shoot them.

Like any population in which almost dies out, the strongest ones survived and are reminiscent of wolves that were around thousands of years ago. The paw prints I've seen in fresh snow hunting back back home in MN are massive. i have big hands and those prints were bigger than my hands with my fingers tucked under.

You're absolutely correct with one on one vs a pack. Get surrounded and you're done. My nephew was face to face with one and it didn't seem to know what to do. Almost as if it'd had never gotten close to a human so it was surprisingly "easy" to convince it to go away. Believe it or not, my nephew "got big" and "barked" at it. He had no idea what else to do. I'm sure it was not a hungry one and probably figured the crazy think yelling at him wasn't worth the risk.