Dog attacks

We've had more cats than I can count in the years we've owned them and not one single time have we ever been attacked or had any type of malicious behavior. Not once.
We too have had many many cats over the past 35 years. In our experience, if the cat is treated respectfully and with kindness there will be no aggression at all. We've never experienced any aggression at all. "Not once" as RRR said.I would not want to deal with a cat that I have seriously pissed off. I expect that the pissed off cat would leave the scene and would attack only if cornered. The attack would be just aggressive enough for it to escape. I'm old and not very big but I could be a butthead if I encounter someone mistreating a cat or a dog. Really, I feel that any human who mistreats any animal or human to be not worthy of any respect-period.