Why is it so hard to buy parts from people

The small town that I live in has a free marketplace that we throw unused items on there. Right in the sign up agreement it states that the person giving away the item chooses who the item goes to. It may be the first person but usually the person that appears to need it the most. You should hear the people complain that don’t work or want to work but try to grab every free item listed. I swear they monitor it 24 hours a day.
Im on "free stuff" its an app that scours 3-4 different selling platforms for "free" taglines. I get pings all day for free stuff within 5 miles of any prefered area code and I generally look for 55"+ TV's that people are tossing to fix and flip. Others are on it too as I've called 1 minutes after a ping and was told that 3 others have already called on it and one is on his way. I think its about a 5 minute lag time before free stuff picks it up and sends it out from the other sites. Still a handy application if your into fixing stuff.