Cat Piss.

My cats piss, I have 6 of em, they all use the litter box 2 males mark around the inside of the house in retaliation because we have some outdoor strays who mark outside. My wife or me clean the piss up. No big deal.
My neighbor warned me about a cat killer German shepherd who sometimes gets off the chain, he said do you have a bb gun ? Nope I said if it kills one of my cats I'll kill the dog with my bare hands and drop it on their porch,( I love dogs too so I hope that doesn't happen) he must have warned them because I haven't seen the dog again.
We have a raccoon which has been around for a couple years, he and 2 of my cats are great friends...that **** is hilarious watching them play.
Funny, just moved into my new home last year and my neighbor has chickens that were tearing up my flowers. I was talking to the guy across the street from me about the problem and told him if it didn't stop I was going to invite everyone on the street to a chicken fry this coming weekend. Have not seen any more chickens sense and the neighbor sold his home. I was just kidding of course. Problem solved!!!!!