Offgassing dash pad ??!?

Hi folks. 1971 Dart. About seven years ago, I replaced my cracked dash pad with a quality repro item. Can’t remember exactly from whom I purchased it, but it was one of those well-known places. At about the same time, I got a new Legendary vinyl upholstery, front and back. Ever since about that time, I’ve had an annoying “fogging” of the inside of the window glass, including the front and rear windscreens. Very fine film of “dust”, almost like from cigarette smoke. I’ll windex it off, and a few days later it needs another cleaning. Well, lately, it seems to have gotten worse—especially for the front windshield glass. I need to clean it every day! I’m suspecting the dash pad, but only because I can’t think of what else could be the cause. I’m writing to see if anyone has experienced similar problems or has ideas of what this might be caused by. Thanks for any and all input and thoughts!!
I had that happen with a 2002 Hyundai that I bought new. The dealership said that was normal because of the "newness" of the interior materials. They said it would go away, which it did after a couple of years. If that's what's going on with your car it must be sealed up really well. It shouldn't be getting worse though. I gotta agree with heater core trouble.