Car stories....and I mean stories

Not embellishing, just the truth and STUPID. Summer of 1976 my buddy and I were in my folks 1969 Fury III 383 two barrel. Car felt reasonably fast for a low perf big block. There's a residential street here in town that has an underpass under some tracks (steep approaches). It was common for us misguided youths to get straight on the underpass and nail the throttle. Front end would get real light coming out of the underpass. BUT, this one night I told my buddy I wasn't lifting. About 1/4 mile down the road was a bridge over an irrigation ditch. It also have very steep approaches. As we hit the bridge I looked down and we were doing 98. I knew when the speedometer immediately pegged we were airborne. After the PERFECT four point landing I looked at my buddy and said, "Well we survived that. Let's not do that again..." 35 mph speed limit on a road with houses today that are worth in excess of $1 million, some considerably more. This story is allegedly true...
I would say that is fairly believable