Will Be Scarce For A Bit...

Thanks y'all, but Kitty lost her balance and I caught her, lost my balance and my knee landed full force on the laptop. It is no more. The magic smoke even came out. Yall simply just do not understand. Social security is our only income. We have less than 300 dollars to the end of the month this time every month. We cannot afford anymore "extra" to sit on the shelf. I got it covered, it's just gonna be a few days. I'm humbly thanking you for your ideas, though. Dammit that took a long time to type on this phone. lol
I understand, I live on my Disability check and after bills, food and gas, well to say money is tight is an understatement and with the cost of everything going up I'll be living in a cardboard box soon, if I can afford that!