...why not get away from computer controlled lsd's and just revert it to a manually controlled, clutch cycling switched system?

Just a comment. It's not that I am looking to make everything computer controlled, just seems like if something has logic built in to control something why not make use of it?

You have to admit that there are things that are easier to control using logic rather than a bunch of mechanical switches. For example, if you wanted to build in a safety feature that disables AC based on engine temp and RPM, you would have to add a temperature switch and some kind of RPM switch. That's two more modules and several feet of wire in addition to the already existing high and low switch. On the other hand, if you already have a module in the car that is making use of both of those readings, it is easy to let it control the AC compressor and disconnect it when one or both those thresholds are reached.

Now I admit that at some point that become even more complicated when you have 120+ wires running to a PCM. Which is why they put a bunch of info on a network now and let the modules that need it read and use what it needs. So now instead of a wires carrying info like vehicle speed, AC request, tow mode, transmission gear, cruise set/resume/cancel, etc, you have two small wires carrying all of it.

Another way to look at it is, my setup will almost certainly have the CanBus prewired in just because you need it to tune the computer via the OBD2 port. So if later on I figure out what the AC request message is, I could setup an ardino that would broadcast it on the CanBus network when I close a switch. Now I can add that module under the dash and I don't have any extra wires to run through the firewall, or to the PCM, beyond anything I need to run from the PCM to close the AC compressor clutch.

I could see that module do a couple of things, too. If the setup still needs the SSR, I could see a hidden button that if not pressed doesn't allow the car to start. I could also see that if there is a "tow mode" option, setting up parameters to create something like a nitrous tune, or cruise mode, or something similar so that the motor runs different based on the push of a button. The last might not be available, but what if it was.