Opinions for older set of Hooker 5116 super comp headers

"Comps" are different than "super comps".

Comps are bent like most other brands that capture the steering center link and hang low.

Super comps are different and don't run under the steering.

I'm sure you're probably right, but I don't see how. Look at their picture.

Hooker Headers 5116-1HKR Hooker Super Competition Headers | Summit Racing

Between the two headers, Comp & Super Comp, I never noticed a difference in the tubes with the two laying side by side. Perhaps the collector is longer? IDK

DODGE Hooker Headers 7806HKR Hooker Competition Headers | Summit Racing

If I remember correctly, the super comps had all equal length tubes and the comps had some variation in tube length...

The comps were more for street and the super comps were for racing...