Dad and Electronics.

my local "bank" did a remake a while ago, and they got rid of the two "teller girls" they had inside (and who were quite easy on the eyes)
now they have a drive up teller with someone who works remote (which are usually freaks from the big city) who dont know me from adams house cat

and they whine about averything, typos on check, missing signatures, everything
the rapport i had with that bank is gone

before they knew me, they knew who i got check from and who i was married too
if i had a check in both me and my wifes name i could deposit it no problem

what really annoyed me is the other day i had a check from the insurance company to the tune of about 2200 dollars and the freak on the screen what whining they couldnt deposit it without all needed signatures because it was such a large check
2200 bucks, that barely buys a tank of gas under the biden regime
if you think that is a big number, you got no business working at a bank