
Some people watch others who have videos that go into the thousands of views...and they wonder how so n so gets as many views and think it's based on this and they think it's based on that... when plain and simple, it's the content...or facade. If you're boring and you don't know **** and you don't know how to explain **** one's going to watch you. Whether its 5 min of crap or 15 min of crap, crap is crap. Not every video you're going to make is going to be deemed valuable in the knowledge sector..but who cares. Just have fun...and remember...
..All the titty cleavage, country accent, sexy voice...lmao..flash bang boom captions in your screen shot 'all clickbait garbage that screams this video sucks'..wont keep your viewers more than 15-40 seconds if the content sucks or is directionless.
Show and tells.. that's a handful for an audience. What do yoyou know that not many other do? That's where you aim.

..tony never stops talking, people like that when theres nothing to figure out or need explaining... it's like talking to a dying car accident victim... "stay with me buddy"...other times you need to pause and let the thought sink in. What would you want to watch... because aside from getting a kick out of seeing yourself on tv.. if you're not entertained or feel like you're nailing it.. you're probably NOT making a good video.

As for my option, add some subtitles, some jokes, show your face! Some people wanna see who is giving instruction, their eyes.
Good luck with your YouTube adventure I'll check ya out.

The rest of you ..imo you're being insincere and stereotypical. You're choice to expose yourself by responding directly to me about it. Lol