NHL Playoffs 2022

I bet the "garbage iice" comment was about it being too soft and that messed with CO in game 3 . If you are used to skating on fast ice your edges will be sharpened differently and they get real grabby on soft ice which wears you out quickly . Im sure the equipment manager adjusted the blades for the 4th game . Pro stadiums have super fast ice . You feel like superman ! The puck travels faster , you glide better and turns are predictable .
Agreed, soft ice I go to a “detuned” 3/8s To MBs point the equipment manager and players will very quickly adapt equipment to ice. But clearly slow ice changes the game and often helps the slower team. They are all world class athletes playing their nuts off. Most every one of them is playing hurt to a degree. To step on the fresh ice right after the Zam, heck even I feel fast. Best sport on earth!