Home made 15 x 10 with 5 on 4 1/2 b.c. and dog dish hubcaps.

This is an old thread and the guy that did this may not be on this site any more.
I am just wondering how much of the center flange was left to weld to. I mean he went from 13.25 down to 12.625. Was there anything left to weld to ???

I wonder , Frank

Oh I am here.

Flange was and is not needed. It was turned off and center welded back to the wheel shell. Could also argue that that was more area to weld. Aka arc

Welded on the flange or spot welded to the flange and welded without the flange is like arguing with yourself in a mirror.

Wheels take 500 HP and 325/50/15 sticky tires, side stepping the clutch and dead hooking. Been many years of fun

The flange is just an assembly line thing, it helps locate the center for faster assembly and spot welds are a production line deal.

If you're making a set of one off's the flange isn't necessary. It's more welding and you have to be more careful making sure the wheel is true, but on a one off that's really not a big deal. If you're going to make tens of thousands of them, it's a big deal.