Carter Thermoquads ~ 'More General Information'

Here are my findings with TQs.
[1] The ones used here on Fords [ 9000s ]had a very small sec jet [ some were 0.098", smaller than the pri! ], but the sec air bleed was 0.029", smaller than the more common 0.040". Not 100% sure, but I have come across some US 9000s that had the 029 sec bleed. The smaller bleed will start the system earlier & make it richer through the range, so sec jet not as big?.
[2] I have no idea how/why the jet sizes & sec jet sizes vary so much, no rhyme or reason that I can see. Rich jetting on a 360, lean jetting on a 440.
The later carbs have larger pri air bleeds, & larger jets to go with them. There are also two air bleeds that are blocked by the brass discharge tube, & these can only be measured by removing the tube. I suspect these may also vary in size & therefore may account for the different pri jet/rod combinations.
[4] Rich secondaries. I will bet this only happens with the 029 sec bleed carbs. Other things that will cause richness is slow opening air valve diaphragm/dashpot. These are decades old now & the rubber goes hard, slowing the release. This slows the AV opening & richens the mixture. I ALWAYS fit a new dashpot when re-building a TQ. AV tension too high also causes rich mid range mixture.
[5] Chr specified sec jets as large as 0.169" for racing [ in the Mopar book ].
[6] I have never found an explanation for the number, position & size of the holes in the sec nozzle bars. For decades, I have been soldering those holes shut & cutting off the bars at an angle, just like the CS carbs. They run great, more consistent fuel delivery & never had a complaint.
[7] I rebuilt a 9333 the other day, off a local Ford 302. It had the pathetic 098 sec jets. BUT the fitting for the dashpot in the base was not a piece of steel tube, it was a brass insert. It had a tiny hole in it, I would estimate 0.010 - 0.015". This would slow down the dashpot opening rate & richen the mixture. To work with the small jet? Has anybody found a US TQ with this brass insert?
[8] Every TQ I have worked on: the sec blades open to about the same angle & the same with the AV. So the smaller sec jets are not related to positions of these two.