Time to unveil "Project Blackstone"

Test print was mostly a success! I have some corner curling which is hard to prevent with ABS, and I need to get my supports right. These were very difficult to take off safely. Also the interface between the support material and the part is not set right. It's basically impossible to tell where the support ends and the part begins...very challenging when dealing with a part that is printing like the shape of a table.

This is a usable piece though I already know of a tweak I want to make, so I will definately print another one...probably a few small test pieces before I do to figure out the supports. I had to cut off the ends of the knob stems, so there was nothing holding them in anymore, so I just used CA glue...the knobs won't turn but who cares.

Anyway, pics!IMG_0086.jpg IMG_0088.jpg IMG_0090.jpg IMG_0091.jpg IMG_0092.jpg