4.7l woes and rant

I'm one of those 4.7 "good luck" guys I guess. I've had two over the years (one an '05 4.7 HO) and both haven't given many engine or transmission troubles until just recently. If I could figure out how to install a 4.7 HO in my old Barracuda I would as I like them that much. Plus, it would be different!

My '00 Dakota just had one of the automatic secondary timing chain tensioners fails. This engine is at 192k and I'm not easy on my vehicles. Did the work myself with a new Cloyes set.

Here's a few tricks for holding the cam chains on the center gear... I wrapped a #64 rubber band around each chain and slid it up where it sort of held the chain on the gear. Then, stretch one wrap of the rubber band from around the chain up and on to the chain on the gear itself. This keeps tension/pressure on the chain against the full circumference of the gear so it won't move on you. Make sure your two dark links line up with the corresponding window in the gear before proceeding to the other cam chain. Do this for both cam chains before trying to install the primary chain and gears in to position. As you slide the crank gear and center gear in to position, slowly feed both cam chains up through the heads. Once you got them in far enough, I used small bungie cords to pull the cam chains up and keep tension on them. Now, reach in with an exacto knife and cut the rear (passenger side) rubber band (be sure not to drop it or the exacto if doing it with the oil pan installed!) and install your cam gear and chain on that side. Repeat for driver's side.

Here's a visual aid in what I'm trying to say. Imagine the inner tube as the chain and the white lid as the center timing gear. (sorry, already disposed of the old parts) Note how I put he rubber band on the "chain" and then stretched a single wrap up around the "gear". This will keep the chains in alignment as the rear (passenger side) chain is impossible to see if it's still alignment once installed on the engine.
Thanks for the tip! Yea im gonna watch more youtube videos on this engine, make sure i dont screw anything up!