Ashamed of This Community

Just wow.
Ashamed of the community?
I'm ashamed of some of the younger generations, too. But that's our own fault.
The real world is not "point and click" or "plug and play"... Things don't always go in our direction just because we want them to. Life does not award us with "Participation Trophies".
This is a community of cold, hard steel- life does not just bolt together without creativity and hard work. Expect injuries and scars along the way.
A project car is like life- you get out of it what you put into it. No two are the same, and the final product is the direct result of the effort you're willing to put into it. There is no "kit" or "magic formula" for either one that does not require additional work.
Life is hard, and there's good advice out there from those of us who've battled through it.
To paraphrase an old quote; "Those who choose to ignore history (which also applies to experience and advice) are doomed to repeat it".
Very well put. I've seen quite a few project cars that never ended up finished in my day. There are talkers, posers, then there are doers. The doers usually end up putting the other guys cars together for them...or getting them running and tuned up correctly anyway.