Is anyone else "touchy" about their Mopar? (long rant...)

Heck now days, there are Mopar guys that even put GM HEI and Ford 8.8 rear in their ride. It ain't the old days when we bought running 69 Roadrunners for $1000-$1500!!!!!! I admit I am a dinesaur!!!!! OK so I an spell dinesaur and neither an the damn puter!!!!!!! Where's that book called the dictionary!!?????:lol::rofl::popcorn:

I'm lucky, I knew the best parts to snag decades ago. I don't need to go to a Ford or Chevy part to run good. We used to buy a new distributor, ECU and all the wiring for less than $100. I've tried almost all the "improvements", but in the end I like the best original "A" Body parts best, small bolt pattern and all. HEI distributors used to be done at 4,500 rpm, no point in putting that in a 273. As for an O/D trans, I'd run an 833 O/D, no problem. But we put lots of miles on the 904 and 727 transmissions, and depending on setup would get good mpg. You think I'm not a Dinosaur? I have a tie pin given to me by my wife to prove it.