Stay clear of bison / buffalo --

IMG_20220629_212416542.jpg Here in Northwest Ohio, we have one of those drive through Safari places. The last couple times I took the kids there, they had Bison roaming free in their own section. I am not ashamed to admit that I got pretty damn nervous the first time I had a Bison head inside each front window of my car. The kids ducked down onto the floorboards and rolled up the back windows, pretty quickly. Once they get their heads in and find out you have carrots, they are in no hurry to leave. And let me tell you, they are the nasties smelling animals I have ever been around ! I saw the people in the van in front of us panic when the Bison came up to their car (they actually had the slider open) and the guy punched it to try to get away from them and actually ran over a baby Bison. He got up and seemed ok, though. One time we went through and no Bison. They had them all penned up in the back. They told us it was rut time and they were too aggressive to be out. Well, at the very end of the day, we decided to make one last, quick drive through. Lo and behold, they had let the Bison out. Kids rolled up their windows and hit the floor, begging me to roll up front windows and drive past quickly. I couldn't do that !! Had a couple of them stick their whole heads in car and then a big fight broke out. Bison on passenger side was being attacked, but his horn got stuck inside my car. Seemed like he almost lifted the car off the ground, before he ripped up my interior and exterior getting loose/ fighting off the other guy. I rolled up the windows and drove past, quickly. Also have some pretty good wolf and alligator stories.