Does Your State Allow Year-of-Manufacture Plates?

I have plans to use the plates that were on my old '67 Dart GT hardtop on my Barracuda. I'll have to look into the "original to the car thing" for my son's plates. We had lost all the paperwork, but I have an ad from 1970 for a Dart GT convertible with his plates. We'll see if that's enough.

Now, for our 1968 GTS. First sold in Detroit in May 1969 and made its way to California where it was sold again in early 1970. Plates are ZOV900. My parents bought a new 1969 Fury III the summer of 1969. Those plates were ZHE111. Granted, different locations got different plates, but I believe the Fury plates were mailed from the state as a new car purchase. The GTS could have been registered by the first owner here some time in 1969.

My son's car.
Ad for Jeffs Dart.jpg

Possibly our GTS for sale from the first owner. First name is correct as are the details of the car.

Possibly our GTS.jpg