Help ID this set of pedals if they are from Slant, 318 or HD style like 340 and BB darts

If anyone has a complete set out of a 340 70-72 duster even though many years fit I’m a bit ocd sometimes and love using stuff from original app when I can / and afford to. I’ve patch more floors using parts cars that had ok floor sections vs Chinese ones but for years we didn’t have Amd for Oldsmobile jjst good mark and there Chinese floors were acceptable but as a former judge easy to see the lines weren’t as crisp. I know most people just undercoat and you will never know it it takes away quite a bit of the definition and what to compare it to but that was part of the fun for me to find hard stuff like that or hoard junk stripped parts cars just for that small metal patch you may need. I think that’s some of the fun. The insanity of doing stuff that is almost irrelevant but that addiction was coping mechanism for me especially after a career for the DoD and I’m Law Enforcement. It was that or drinking and being picky and trying to find OEM stuff when applicable and affordable was a-lot safer lol and still helped me cool off and relax and help finish my career