70 Swinger over center clutch spring

Thanks guys for all the tips,,,,,

My clutch works fine,,, it is just very hard to push clutch. I guess I can put it on a hoist, and look to see what clutch is in it and see if there is a binding issue. It pushes too hard so I am thinking it does need the spring. I had a Swinger 50 years ago,,, all was fine with the clutch, then one day there was a wham and the spring fell out,,,, after the wham,, the pedal was very hard to push.As I said the clutch seems to work find,, if there was a binding issue,,, I would think the clutch would have a strange feel to it,,,,it will push hard all the way to the floor, of push hard 1/2 way,,,,it pushes smooth, just hard,,,,The fella' who painted my car just said he had a 396 Chevelle in his shop,, and the clutch pushed way easy,,,,,,,,,,I need to figure this out,, or my 71 year old leg will give out