Breakfast! What do you like?

Lately I've been having 2 hard boiled eggs and chasing with 12oz V8 vegetable juice.

Normally, since my heart issues, it’s just two hard boiled eggs, two slices of toast and “I can’t believe it’s butter” spread with two cups of coffee.

Then it’s to the home gym for easy weight lifting. Doc’s advice. So I contacted a co-worked of mine I’ve known the entire cares some. He has been body builder by his whole life and we talked for a while.

“20 lbs. for your arms Bobby! That’s all you’ll need!”
I almost didn’t believe him. I couldn’t even draw breath when two other co-workers confirmed that. And they looked good. So that’s the deal. As my co-worker said, “We ain’t young anymore, you’ll just hurt yourself attempting to do what you used to.”

Now I just have to be consistent with it.

Once in a blue when I go out to breakfast and get some bacon & corned beef hash in addition.