340 -727 -3000 stall- Vibration under load - Trying to find source

Every single vibration that I've seen that was caused by imbalance; wrong converter, wrong flexplate, spun harmonic balancer; INCREASED with rpm. If the vibration goes away at higher rpm; then it is NOT balance related.
Harmonics can make vibration come and go and be more predominant at specific ranges. My specific vibration is predominant between 1000-3200 ish (coincidentally the range of the converter) does in in neutral and park too when the car isn’t moving also, and does seem to be less after 3200-3500rpm but still faintly there in the same rhythm as the lower rpm vibration range.

I hope to find it soon. Likely going to change the converter regardless as I don’t really like the 3000 stall to begin with…. This will eliminate that piece once and for all, as even if a new converter were bad I doubt it would mimic the same vibration as I have now.