Distributor vacuum advance hitting intake.......

I know many here may not agree with this outline.
(BTW, I follow the standard install)
1. Blindly install drive gear, IT DOESN'T MATTER!
2. Blindly install distributor (either of the two directions), IT DOESN'T MATTER!
3. Orient the advance to where ever you think it fits best, IT DOESN'T MATTER!
4. Find Top Dead Center
5. Adjust distributor the little needed to align A post (no particular post) to the rotor, either way that keep the advance in a good position. You are picking between the two post that are nearest the rotor.
6. Load plug wires in the correct timing order starting with number one at the post that is at the rotor.
7. Run and adjust the timing.

As a mechanic (which I'm not) I would never assume someone did anything per the book, check TDC, check rotor orientation, check plug wires in regards to rotor placement, go from there.

This thread started with a simple rotate the advance and move wires over as needed. Distributors, caps (and drive gears) are not marked number one, number one is wherever the rotor is pointed at TDC.
