1300 hp mercury comet brake failure crash

I think I've made my case through my previous posts along with a few other folks. You seem to think the driver is at no fault, are you a lawyer? I'm not.
We disagree and that's all, but maybe you should watch the video again, or did you watch it at all? It speaks for itself.
I never said he wasn't at fault. i think it was an accident he surely didn't set out to smash up his car.

Saying he needs to pay dearly for being stupid is an opinion. He's already paid and that should be obvious. I suppose I'm just not pissed off about it or biased. I know running him through a ringer over it wont fare well for the rest of us, and all the YT azzholes posting videos about it isn't helping either. It could get bad where people don't want to see old cars on the road in their state unless gone over with a fine toothed comb by some regulating authority ...imagine that.