2025 Dodge eMuscle Electric Muscle Car: Smoke All Four of ’Em

Whatever. I basically stopped caring about new cars years ago and lost most of my interest in modern Mopars when they turned Dodge into the automotive version of an airhead college frat boy. Too difficult to work on most anything made after 2010 and the only stuff that's long-term reliable anymore is Japanese. Next newer car I get will probably be an Acura or Mazda. I love the G3 Hemi but everything they put it in is bloated and overweight.

Good on them I suppose for at least trying to make their EV have some "soul" because that's the only thing we'll see that distinguishes EV models from different makes. Electric motors are so much simpler than IC engines, there aren't many different ways to make them and they all basically perform the same. I also don't see how hot-rodding will continue when(I honestly feel more "if") EVs become the standard. Nobody can really use 600+ HP on the street but the trend so far with EVs is to make them ultra overpowered, few people will care to try to make them even faster.

Not a great time to be a gearhead when electronics techie nerds are taking over everything. Ever notice those are the only types of people who are enthusiastic about Teslas? Elon Musk is anything but a car guy for crying out loud, he has no idea whatsoever what makes a car cool and sadly that's what the industry is starting to follow.