Maybe you checked this but at TDC of compression for cyl #1, the rotor should point to the front left intake manifold bolt. If it does that, then you know the engine is sitting where you want it. Then make sure the tower on the cap aligned on top of the rotor has the plug wire for #1 spark plug on it. Now you just go around the dist cap in a CW direction and route the plug wires according to the firing order.

And if you KNOW you are getting spark by checking it on a dummy plug grounded outside the engine, then you can check off spark as the culprit. I like to at least shoot the timing with a light to double check the timing is reasonable for cranking to get it going...say maybe 10 deg advance.

If all that checks out, you now know you have the ignition side of things covered. Pour a lite gas down the carb throat and it should at least try to fire on that.