Any old timers around who worked with 80 column IBM punch card

I am trying to find the dimensional specifications of the hole punches.

I have searched the net and the only thing I can find is the card is 7 3/8" x 3 1/4" and 0.007" thick

I have been using images to determin the punch spacing and so far have come up with...

  1. Holes
    1. 0.050" x 0.120"
  2. Vertical spacing
    1. 0.250"(on center) from edge of card to center of punch
    2. 0.250" (on center) center of one punch to the next
  3. Horizontal spacing
    1. 0.250"(on center) from edge of card to center of punch
    2. 0.087" (on center) center of one punch to the next
Im hoping there is someone out there who worked hands on with punch cards who can shed some light on my numbers.

So far I have only found one image of the hundreds out there that fits well with any of the iterations of spacing I have tried.

Seems parralax is not my friend.

And for the moderators... this is fully MOPAR related as it pertains to making IBM punch card reproductions of your microfilm punch cards

Do you, or a friend, have access to ANSI specs?

IBM's 1928 design was the basis of what, decades later, came to be the standard punched card, eventually defined by ANSI X3.21-1967 governing the holes in the card and ANSI X3.26-1980 governing the use of the Hollerith code to encode alphanumeric data on cards.

Round Holes

1: I'll check at work tomorrow and see if I can pull up the ANSI specs.
2: I can check my files at home this weekend for old cards from college.