Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey guys what's going on this morning??
Hot here for the next week low 100's for the next week.
Had plans to go watch some professional golf this weekend.
Cheryl was at a conference last week and apparently brought back a mild case of covid.
All she's has is a slight headache. I just moved to the other side of the house.
This will be three times now she's had covid. Each time is milder than the time before.
I have not had any symptoms and test negative. I was told when I did have it and as bad as I did, I had a great chance of never having it again.
When Jodi got it she started rattling off the plans as to how we would separate the house I live downstairs she lives upstairs etc. I just grabbed her by the ears and kissed the crap out of her, told her well that settles that now don’t it. She may have called me a “insert your own adjective “ But she knew that when she married me. Everything I have heard Craig says there is almost no way for you to get it again after the version you had. No idea if that is true or not tho? I would certainly take precautions as we don’t need you back in the hospital again.