
Most restorers want an open end contact, and you can only partially blame them. They dont know the extent of metal and body work required till they have your car stripped including all paint/ filler to bare metal. That is why it is important to start a relationship them or even more than one shop well before you sign a contract and hand over your car. I have been talking with muscle car restorations in Chippewa falls, Wisconsin for 3-4 years now. You have to let them know what a micro managing cheap bastard you are(thats a good thing). Then they will start to work with you to keep your restoration on track and budget. More than likely a reputable shop will not compromise quality/integrity of their work as it is their reputation at stake, but there is money to be saved along the way. MCR wants 5k to pickup my car, have it dipped (chemically stripped) and transported to their shop 300 some miles away. I told them thats not going to happen. I told them I would have it dipped and delivered and they should make arrangements for it to be done at their vendor so it meets their standards. We are negotiating a price for that although they may not realize it as I am playing a waiting game. I know they are interested in me cause I keep getting Christmas cards. Go visit their shop a couple times a year. Attend their open house and meet them at their car shows. Make them your friends. They know know in the end you will be talking them up and they might hit the big coin from someone with deep pockets that loves your car and your story. You’ll get out of it what you put into it.

I loved your “micro managing cheap bastard you are” comment. Great laugh, but you are so right!
All good information and insight.