Insurance Co. says car must be in a locked garage


1) I do not know of a specialty company in CA that does not require your rod to be kept in a locked garage of some sort. If you are out and about and the car gets stolen you are still covered... we're talking about primary storage here.

2) Every specialty and regular policy I have ever read (and I've read a LOT) has a very specific exclusion for tracks, strips & street racing.... once you hit the track, strip or engage in street racing all coverage is null and void. Track & strip coverage is usually available through the sponsor of the event.

If your agent is claiming you are covered for any of the above, have them back that up in writing(email) or show you in the policy itself where these coverages are afforded. If it's not in the policy declarations.. you don't have coverage.

I was told sanctioned events i could buy additional coverage. Grundy.