Stop in for a cup of coffee

If you smell fuel - as in gasoline like when you fill the tank - that's not running rich - that's fuel escaping before it goes into the cylinders.

Electronic ignition - irrelivant.
As far as opinions, I thought TMM's meme yesterday pretty much summed it up.
Of course you have no easy way to judge if anything I say is experience based on facts.
The carb doesn't know if its a 225 cid six or a 273 v-8.
All it does is respond to the velocity of the air mass through the booster.
Describing the main system here, the low speed system is a bit more sensitive.

Changing the main jets is mostly to change the high speed cruise. That's usually above 60 mph but will vary with gearing and engine.
Its also done at the drag strip for WOT in top gear but that's because its convenient. Often the carb is a calibrated that works out nearly perfectly. However it doesn't always, depending on the engine efficiency at part throttle. If one needs to adjust the fuel mixture at just WOT+heavy load, then its the power valve circuit that needs to be enriched or restricted.

I thought main jets kick in below 60 mph... The main system kicks in after the idle system and fuel enrichment systems end, which can be at lower speeds...

When accelerating the main system is assisted by the power valve/metering rods to run richer under load... Those systems kick in when you get out of the idle system and accelerator pump squirt 'ends'...