How Does Your Animal Show Affection?

I have this summer adopted "Wallace" the one eyed wonder as I needed a few outside cats. He has had some 4500.00 of surgery from the previous owner who could no longer afford to keep him as she lost her home.
He comes to his name. Stands on my feet. light meows when he wants something. He's a very smart cat.
Willow, the little male ginger will cuddle up anytime I pick him up. He's a purrer. Let's me do just about anything to him as long as I'm being nice.
Lagertha, Just about died from an owl strike, which in turn killed her little brother due to gangrene. Long story. She is now an inside cat (not by her choice). My inside cat stays in her own room at night as I have to sleep and when awoken I am not very nice when I have to work 10-12 hour days 6 days a week. (not the last few months hooray). She lays on my arm like it's a tree branch. Won't let me pet her unless she is in her designated pet zones, A box top, a window sill and my arm. Then she will plop down and let me do whatever. She knows I'm safe as I pretty much saved her life with the surgery that I afforded for her and all the care that I gave to her. She's a big pussy. Acts all tough but got beat up by the alley cats. Last pic is her, trying to ignore me so I stop taking pictures of her.







